16 August 2013

Need help URGENT

Hi folks I wonder if anyone knows where I can buy some 
12x12 CREAM magnolia WEDDING papers..
like the ones in this link..HERE 

OR if anyone has some they arnt going to use & willing to sell them to me that
 would be a great help..UK only if your willing to sell some plz..

thanks IA 



The Craft Bucket said...

I have wanted items sold out on Sir Stampalot, called them and they have ordered them in? Not sure what your time frame is could be a few weeks. Jane x

Annette said...

There are some really similar ones from Magnolia here, These papers are GORGEOUS as I have bought some in severaln of the colours.

Christine L said...

Sorry hon.... can't help.... It's one paper I don't have in my stash - otherwise you could have had it!!

Big Hugs
Christine x

Unknown said...

If found this...but it's in America. Best I could do chuck...

chrissy xx said...

It's not a big help Christine..But, if you send Sir Stampalot an e-mail ask them to let you know when they come into stock? They do let you know..I've done this a few times.